Year 5/6 Leadership Opportunities

Each year the Year 6 students at Largs Bay School are invited to apply for ‘School Leadership’ positions taking on various roles across the school.

Each year the Year 6 students at Largs Bay School are invited to apply for ‘School Leadership’ positions taking on various roles across the school. Developing leadership skills and providing opportunities for students to take on civic responsibilities is an important part of our upper primary program.

The process for this is as follows:

  • A meeting with the Year 6 students to talk to them about their role as senior students in our school. We discuss the role modelling that is expected of them and the support they can offer the school as leaders.
  • Job and person specifications are discussed and the process of applying for a job, getting referees, writing an application and preparing for an interview is discussed. All students are encouraged to participate.
  • Students are responsible for writing their applications and for delivering it to the appropriate leader or staff member.
  • Training and information is provided for each of the positions.
  • Students are introduced to the school community for the roles and responsibilities undertaken.
  • Students undertake roles and support school programmes.
  • Students are acknowledged for their commitment at the end of the year as an aspect of graduation.
  • Contribution to the ‘life’ of the school and the community is one important part of the graduation awards and is reflected in our ‘School Values’ awards.

The various roles undertaken over the course of the year includes:

  • Student Executive
  • Resource Centre Support
  • Public Relations
  • Canteen Sports
  • Student Mentors
  • Environmental Officers
  • House Captains
  • Canteen Support
  • School Event Photography