The study of mathematics is central to the learning, development and prospects of all young Australians. Mathematics provides students with essential mathematical knowledge, skills, procedures and processes in number, algebra, measurement, space, statistics and probability. It develops the numeracy capabilities that all students need in their personal, work and civic lives, and provides the fundamentals on which mathematical specialties and professional applications of mathematics are built.
Mathematics has its own value and aesthetic, and the Mathematics curriculum develops students’ appreciation of the power of mathematical reasoning as they develop mastery of the content in mathematics. It provides students with learning opportunities to develop mathematical proficiency, including a sound understanding of and fluency with the concepts, skills, procedures and processes needed to interpret contexts, choose ways to approach situations using mathematics, and to reason and solve problems arising from these situations. The curriculum clarifies the links between the various aspects of mathematics as well as the relationship between mathematics and other disciplines.
At Largs Bay School our teachers model and convey growth mindset messages to students and teach using practices that enable students to develop positive dispositions of themselves as mathematicians. Students understand that mistakes, struggle and challenge are critical for brain growth, and that Maths is visual and our brain wants to think visually about it. Our staff all utilise the DfE units of work. The units of work offer best-practice advice to implement the Australian Curriculum in South Australia for all learning areas from Reception to year 10. They provide ready-to-use classroom resources, helping teachers implement the Australian Curriculum from reception to year 10 in a South Australian context.