Instrumental Music

At Largs Bay Primary School, students are fortunate to be able to access instrumental music in a number of ways. 
Students can choose to hire an instrument either privately or through the Department, depending on availability. Alternatively, families may have an instrument at home that the student is able to use.

Instrumental music occurs Thursday and Friday mornings in half hour group sessions with the various instruments that are offered. Administration and hiring fees will apply to maintain the program. Hiring forms and expression of interest forms are available from the office.

On Fridays, Ms. Iarla works with our string students in half hour group sessions until just before lunch. Our Year 3-6 students have the opportunity to learn either the violin or the cello.

We are also fortunate enough to have other teachers provided by Learning through Music who teach piano, guitar, drums and voice to students in small groups. Learning through Music is a private company who can be contacted at

The music teacher at Largs Bay Primary School is responsible for co-ordinating the timetable for music lessons on these days. The timetable is usually finalised by March of each year and is done by priority in order of registration, with continuing students getting priority.

A hub band also operates at Le Fevre Peninsula Primary School for students in Year 4, 5 and 6. Students can learn the following instruments as part of hub band:

  • Flute
  • Trombone
  • Trumpet
  • Clarinet
  • Saxophone
  • Bass guitar
  • Percussion

Learning an instrument helps students to develop skills of reading music, persistence, self-motivation, co-operation and coordination. Playing music also fills you with a sense of accomplishment; after all, you should feel good about mastering a song, difficult chord, or instrument!

For further information about Instrumental Music lessons please contact Mr Stephen Birch via email or by calling the school on 8449 2000.